Library collections

  • 115 shelf kilometres of material
  • 3 million books and 3 million other publications
  • 5,000 new publications purchased every year from research fields in the humanities (history, comparative literature, philosophy, music, Russian and Eastern European studies)
  • 400 shelf metres of new legal deposit copies (collected according to the Act on the Deposit and Conservation of Cultural Materials)
    Of them,
    more than 10,000 are Finnish books
    4,000-5,000 are annual volumes of various periodicals
    320 are annual volumes of newspapers
    2,000-3,000 are music recordings
    60,000 are ephemera (advertisements, brochures, instruction booklets, small magazines)
    in addition to posters, annual reports, sheet music and maps
  • 25,000 data entries of new digital deposit copies
  • 814 million data entries from Finnish websites harvested for the Library’s online archive