Two newspaper archives for Russian studies in trial use until 30 November

Date published
An established newspaper that ran for a century for its émigré readership, and a propaganda publication luring them back to the Soviet Union – two publications, two perspectives. Both archives are on trial use between 1 October and 30 November 2019 and are available in the University of Helsinki network and for on-site visitors to the National Library and the Helsinki University Library.

Photo: East View Information Services

Novoe russkoe slovo was the leading newspaper for Russian-speaking émigrés in the United States. Published in New York, the newspaper supported a Communist ideology for its first decade of publication. In the 1920s, it realigned itself, becoming a respected émigré newspaper with a broad readership. The archive covers years 1918−2001.
Link to the resource in the National Library’s search portal

Za vozvrashchenie na Rodinu was published in East Berlin between 1955 and 1960. Aimed at Russian émigrés, the newspaper sought to present a positive image of the Soviet Union. The publication, which has become a rarity, was an important channel for anti-Western propaganda for the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In 1960, the publication changed its name to Golos Rodiny. The archive encompasses all available issues published before the renaming, from 1955 until 1960.
Link to the resource in the National Library’s search portal

The archives can be accessed through the University of Helsinki’s network. For people who are not researchers or students at the University of Helsinki, the resource is accessible from the library terminals in the National Library and the Helsinki University Library facilities without a login, or from the user’s own device at the facilities using a HUPnet login, which can be requested from the libraries’ customer service points.

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