Take our survey and share your experiences of the National Library!

Date published
Picture by
Marko Oja

The National Library of Finland is the oldest and largest scholarly library in Finland.
It is responsible for the collection, description, preservation and accessibility of Finland’s printed national heritage and the unique collections under its care.

We have recently published our new strategy. As part of that, we are keen to learn what our reputation is like among our stakeholders.

We hope you have time to respond to the survey below and give us valuable feedback. The questionnaire only takes a few minutes to complete and all answers are confidential. The survey is open until August 31.

Link to the survey: https://q.surveypal.com/Kansalliskirjaston-mainetutkimus-3S1u6E9N1YjyqEZq

By leaving your contact information, you will also take part in our draw: the prizes are a Museum Card, canvas tote bags and a book, Naisia Kansalliskirjastossa (‘Women in the National Library’).

Many thanks for your help!