New acquisition: the Medieval Latin Database collection

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Mirabile – Digital Archives for Medieval Culture

Consisting of several bibliographies, the Medieval Latin Database collection provides sources for medievalists, including resources for researching literature and book history, the authors and translators of the texts as well as cultures and libraries.

The collection has been published by the originally Italian organisation International Society for the Study of Medieval Latin Culture (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, SISMEL). The collection is updated and maintained through the Mirabile platform, a digital archive for medieval culture.

The Medieval Latin Database collection covers seven new resources in addition to the five openly available ones:

  • MEL – Medioevo latino. A Bibliographical Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus (VI to XV Century): established resource for medieval research; an extensive bibliography on European culture from the 6th to the 15th century
  • BISLAM – Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi: a comprehensive bio-bibliographical list of people who wrote in or translated into Latin from the Middle Ages until the year 1536
  • CALMA – Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi: a bio-bibliographical compendium of authors from the 6th until the 16th century, including their bibliographies
  • MEM – Medioevo musicale. Mediaeval Music Bibliographical Bulletin: a bibliography of musical culture from the 5th until the 15th century
  • RICABIM – Repertorio di Inventari e Cataloghi delle Biblioteche Medievali, di area latina, dall'Alto Medioevo sino al 1520: a list of libraries in the Italian area from the Middle Ages until the 1520s
  • CANTICUM – Repertorio dei codici che tramandano commenti al Cantico dei Cantici: a bibliography of commentaries on the Song of Songs contained in rare sources
  • MADOC – Manuscripta doctrinalia (sec. XIII-XV): sources on the development of philosophical and legal culture from the 13th until the 15th century

Link to the resource in the National Library’s search portal

In addition to these, the Mirabile platform also includes the openly available Romance Database and Hagiographic Database.

Access to the new resources is based on IP identification, so individual users do not need to log in to Mirabile separately. To enter the advanced search, first select the collection you wish to access from the service front page under Database.
Further information on the resources and search instructions are available from the service under Help section.

The resource can be accessed through the University of Helsinki network, which means that remote access is available for University of Helsinki researchers, students and staff. For people who are not researchers or students at the University of Helsinki, the resource is accessible from the library terminals in the National Library and the Helsinki University Library facilities without a login once the libraries reopen, or from the user’s own device at the facilities using a HUPnet login, which can be requested from the libraries’ customer service points.

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