Finnish National Bibliography 2022 – Fennica and Viola in figures

Date published

How many books are published in Finland each year?
What are the most common genres of music?
Are books longer or shorter today than they were a century ago?

Vuoden 2021 lukuja Kansallisbibliografiasta

Find answers to these and many other questions in a new publication presenting Finnish publication topics and changes in publication numbers over the years.

The National Library of Finland collects and preserves Finnish publications for future generations. In addition to archiving the publications themselves, it is important to store their metadata to ensure the content of the ever-growing collections can be searched and used. These data can be found in the Finnish National Bibliography.

Explore the new publication in the Doria repository (in Finnish, version in English coming early next year).

Painettujen kirjojen vuosittaisissa julkaisumäärissä on nähtävissä selkeä laskeva trendi 2000-luvun aikana. Kokonaisjulkaisutuotannon osalta vuosituhannen vaihteen huippuvuosista on pudottu takaisin alle 10 000 julkaisuun vuodessa, eli noin 1980-luvun tasolle.
Annual publication numbers for printed books show a clear downward trend in the 2000s. For total publication output, the figures have dropped from their peak at the turn of the century back to 1980s levels, or under 10,000 publications per year. (Blue = fiction, gold = non-fiction, red = dissertations)

Further information:

Specialist Satu Niininen, 02941 44315, [email protected]

Data Specialist Heidi Lietzen, 02941 22844, [email protected]